Sentiment analysis is available in both Instagram account and topic Trackers. In account Trackers, your Tracker analyzes the sentiment of all comments on that account's posts. In topic Trackers, the Tracker will analyze all the posts' captions.
There's a sentiment module with high-level sentiment metrics in your Tracker overview, and a detailed sentiment report with lots more information. You can access this report by clicking on the overview module or the link in your Tracker's left nav.
Sentiment overview module
You'll see the average sentiment score for the time period you're viewing, as well as the score's change relative to the previous time period. A sentiment score will be between 1 and 100; the higher the score, the more positive the sentiment is. There are three overall sentiment categories - positive (a score of 61-100), neutral (41-60), and negative (0-40). For each, you'll see the share of the conversation in each category, as well as how that share has changed this time period compared to the previous time period.
Full sentiment report
Trackers in the Social Suite include a full sentiment report (click through from your Tracker overview). The sentiment report in your Tracker includes an overall sentiment score for the time period you're viewing (which you can change at any time on the left side of your Tracker), as well as more insight into the kinds of topics and posts that are positive or negative, and a breakdown of just how positive and negative the posts (or comments) are.
Overall sentiment score
Sentiment score. This is the average sentiment score for the time period you're viewing. A sentiment score will be between 1 and 100; the higher the score, the more positive the sentiment is.
Change. The change percent shows you how much higher or lower the sentiment score is for the current time period relative to the previous time period. If your Tracker is new, this will show N/A until there's data in the previous time period to show.
Average daily score. This shows the average daily sentiment score for the time period you're viewing.
The chart shows the intensity breakdown on the right x-axis - red for negative posts, gray for neutral, and green for positive posts. The line shows the average daily sentiment score on the left x-axis.
Topics (topic Trackers only)
The sentiment topic treemap shows a list of the major topics that are skewing positive or negative in your Tracker. A topic will be a hashtag. The larger the block in the treemap, the more posts about it in your Tracker. The darker the color of the block, the more intense that sentiment is. If you click on a section of the treemap, you'll be taken to a report that shows the posts with that hashtag.
Post sentiment (account Trackers only)
The post sentiment bubble chart in account Trackers shows your ten most impactful posts (the ones driving the most sentiment - positive or negative). The size of the bubble indicates the number of comments on the post, with larger bubbles getting more comments. The color of the bubble indicates the sentiment - green for positive and red for negative. Darker colors show more intense sentiment.
The bubbles are graphed along two dimensions. The number of likes is graphed on the x-axis and the total number of commenters on the y-axis. This will help you see if you're getting a lot of unique commenters, or one or two people commenting a lot.
Hover over a bubble to get more info on that post, including its score, number of likes, comments and commenters.
Intensity breakdown
There are five sentiment categories - very positive (a score of 81-100), positive (61-80), neutral (41-60), negative (21-40), very negative (0-20). For each, you'll see the share of the conversation in each category, as well as how that share has changed this time period compared to the previous time period.
Notable posts
At the bottom of the sentiment report, we list a set of notable positive and negative posts. These are representative and popular posts from each major category. A posts not classified correctly? Click on the face icon to leave feedback about how it should be classified. We'll use this feedback to improve the sentiment classification in the future.
How do I access sentiment reporting?
Our full sentiment report is available for all Twitter and Instagram Trackers in all Social Suite accounts. There's a sentiment module in the Tracker overview, as well as a more detailed sentiment report, which you can access from your Tracker's left nav or the sentiment module in your Tracker overview. All other plans have access to the sentiment overview module in their Trackers.
How is sentiment calculated?
Our sentiment classification is based on a statistically representative sample of eligible posts in your Tracker. Right now, sentiment works on posts in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
How can I use sentiment reporting?
- Monitor changes in brand reputation over time
- Compare your sentiment scores to your competitors
- Evaluate the qualitative success of a campaign
- Identify interesting trends, articles and media
- Uncover customer or public opinion
- Discover issues before they become problems
- Assess the actual impact of a crisis