We've recently upgraded the engagement metrics in our Twitter profile Trackers. For authenticated Twitter Trackers, you can now see lots more engagement data - actual impressions, reach, likes, clicks and more.
You'll need to connect your account Tracker to Twitter to access these metrics. To do that, visit your Tracker's edit screen and click the Sign in to Twitter button. You can also create a new account Tracker.
Tracker engagement metrics
On the Tracker view (pictured just below), you now get enhanced, real-time engagement data in a few places.
First, the metrics bar below the first set of graphs in your Tracker overview has been updated. We calculate actual owned impressions, potential owned impressions, and the ratio between the two (aka % of potential impressions). Actual owned impressions is the number of times your tweets have been viewed on any official Twitter apps (organic views only in this view). Potential owned impressions is the number of times your tweets could have been viewed if everyone who followed you and your retweeters saw your tweets. The % of potential impressions number tells you what percent of your potential impressions were generated by actual impressions. We think of this as a sort of efficiency ratio - how efficient are your tweets? How much of your potential audience are you actually reaching.
Below the metrics bar is the new engagement module. That includes a count of total engagements, as well as replies, retweets, likes and all other engagements. On Twitter, an engagement is any time a user has interacted with a tweet, which includes all retweets, replies, like, clicks (hashtags, links, avatar, username, Tweet expansion), and follows from a tweet.
Tweet summary and detail reports
We've added a lot of engagement data to the tweet summary listing. On this page, you can toggle between views - see all tweets or only your account's owned tweets (which includes replies you've sent). Once you're viewing owned tweets, you can sort on a variety of engagement dimensions, like retweets, impressions and likes. You can view more detailed information about a tweet by clicking on the bar graph icon below the tweet text. This data is all updated in real time.
Engagement. This section shows the kinds of engagement your tweet received. We show metrics for replies, retweets, likes, and total engagements, which includes all the engagement types (including clicks on hashtags, links, avatar, username, Tweet expansion, and follows from a tweet).
Impressions. Actual impressions show the total number of actual impressions (sets of eyeballs) a tweet received. Potential impressions shows how many it could have received if everyone actually saw a tweet. These numbers are non-unique and include amplification on a tweet from retweets, replies and likes.
Audience. These metrics show the size of your audience. Audience reached shows you the true unique reach of tweet - how many different people actually saw a tweet. Engaged audience shows you how many different people engaged with your tweet in some way. Look at your ratio of engaged audience to reached audience. If you're reaching a lot of people - and remember, this is a true unique reach number that shows you how many unique Twitter accounts actually saw your Tweet - but only a few of them are engaging with your Tweet, why? What could you be doing better? Look to your Tweets with higher engaged audiences as a percentage. What do they have in common? What about them is getting your audience to respond?
For every tweet in your Tracker, you'll see actual and potential impressions, retweets, replies, likes and all kinds of information about the different clicks your tweets have received. Read this article for more.
How can I add engagement data to my Tracker?
You just need to connect your account Tracker to Twitter to add in the new enhanced engagement data. To do this on an existing Tracker, go to that Tracker's edit screen (click the pencil icon on your main Tracking listing, or the edit link from in the Tracker itself), then click the "Sign in to Twitter" button. You'll go through a quick authentication process, and then we'll add in engagement data to your Tracker.
You can also create a new account Tracker and add Twitter authentication at the time you create the Tracker. Engagement data is only available on owned Twitter account Trackers.
Can I get engagement data for other Twitter accounts than my own?
You can see potential impressions, retweets and some other engagement metrics for accounts other than your own, but to get actual impressions, likes and clicks, you'll need an authenticated connection to that Twitter account. So you can only get the enhanced engagement data for Twitter accounts you can log into.
What is an impression?
Impressions is a measure of the total exposure for a conversation. Impressions metrics are typically not de-duplicated by person, so you’re getting a count of all views.
Actual impressions measure the number of times a tweet was viewed. On Twitter, you can find out how many actual impressions your owned tweets received, but not anything another account posts. That's where potential impressions come in.
Potential impressions measure the total number of views possible – how many timelines a post showed up in, if everyone was around to see that post or didn’t scroll quickly past.
What about reach?
Right now, we provide actual reach for owned Tweets, and estimated reach for everything else. Actual reach is true reach provided by Twitter, so this is the true count of the unique people who actually saw your tweet. Estimated potential reach is based on our proprietary reach algorithm, which we built off years of analyzing hundreds of millions of tweets. Potential reach measures how many unique Twitter accounts your tweets could have reached. Use reach in combination with your impressions metrics to get a better sense of how effective your content is. Are you reaching as much of your potential audience as you could be? How can you improve that?
Why are these numbers different than what I see in Twitter's analytics dashboard or another product?
We rely on several different commercial Twitter APIs to display our engagement data, including a real-time stream that provides up-to-the-minute updates. These are the the latest Twitter data APIs and include full-fidelity counts. Depending on when you last refreshed your Tracker (and when the data in the other tool you're looking at was updated), the numbers may vary slightly. However, they will ultimately match and ours provide a full accurate count as of the last time you refreshed, direct from Twitter itself and in real-time.