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Understanding the Twitter topic Tracker

The Twitter topic Tracker includes all tweets that match a set of one or more keywords. They can be real time or historical. 

By default, a real-time Twitter topic Tracker will show activity from the past 30 days (a historical Tracker will show the time period you've analyzed). Click on the calendar icon in the upper right hand corner to adjust the timeframe you're viewing. You can also download a PDF of your Tracker, or export the raw data to a CSV.

Summary and Trend Data:

  • Potential reach: The size of the unique potential audience that received tweets about the topic.
  • Potential impressions: The total number of potential impressions (non-unique) generated by tweets about the topic.
  • Frequency: The number of potential impressions generated divided by potential reach (impressions per recipient account).
  • Total tweets: The total number of tweets about the topic. We include a breakdown between the number of original tweets versus retweets.
  • Contributors: The number of unique people who have mentioned the topic being tracked. We also included the average number of tweets posted per unique contributor as well as the average number of followers of all contributors.

Metrics Bar

  • Average Tweets/Day: The average number of tweets about this topic per day.
  • Potential impressions/Tweet: The average number of potential impressions generated by each tweet about the topic.
  • Potential impressions/Day: The average number of potential impressions generated about the topic each day.
  • Retweets/tweet: The average retweet to tweet ratio.

 Top Tweets: A list of the top 10 tweets ranked by potential impressions.

  • Tweet Overview Report: Click the list icon to view a complete list of all tweets about the topic from this time period. Within this page you will see other stats about each tweet including: retweets, replies, direct impressions and amplified impressions. You can refine the conversation further by searching for specific keywords at the top of the page.

Top Contributors: A list of the top 10 contributors who have participated in the conversation around the topic, as ranked by the user whose tweets have generated the most impressions.

  • Contributor Overview Report: Click on the list icon to view a complete list of all the contributors who have participated in the conversation around a topic for the given time period. Next to each contributor we include:
    • Tweets: The number of tweets the user created about the topic.
    • Impressions: The direct impressions generated as a result of sending them out to his/her followers.
    • Retweets: The number of times a contributor's tweets were retweeted.
    • RT Rate: The average number of retweets per tweet a contributor has received. This is defined as retweet /tweets.
    • Total Exposure: The total number of potential impressions generated by a contributor, including direct impressions from the contributor's tweets and amplified impressions from retweets and replies.
    • Amplification Multiplier: The contributor's rate of amplification based on how far his/her tweets spread as the result of retweets and replies. It is defined as ((total exposure - impressions) / impressions) + 1.
  • Detailed Contributor Report: Click on any user name to get a detailed report on how an individual has contributed to the dialogue around the topic. Within the report you will see some top-line metrics on the account including number of followers, how many times the account is listed and Klout score. There is also a bar chart to show tweet volumes across particular days. The report also includes all the tweets around this contributor, and you can toggle between the tweets from the contributor and those mentioning it.

Top Hashtags: A list of the top five hashtags used in association with the topic being tracked, as ranked by overall impressions.

  • Hashtag Overview Report: Click on the list icon to view a complete list of all the hashtags used in association with the topic being tracked. Within the report you will see how many tweets about the topic included the hashtag, retweets including the hashtag, contributors who have used the hashtag and impressions generated by the hashtag.
  • Detailed Hashtag Report: Click on any hashtag for a detailed view of the activity around it. Within the report you will get a graphical view of the impressions generated by the hashtag, volume of tweets that included the hashtag and the contributors using it. There is also a metrics bar with averages around the hashtag and beneath that are the tweets including the hashtags and the top contributors who have utilized it.

Top URLS: A list of the top five URLs used in association with the topic being tracked, as ranked by overall impressions.

  • URL Overview Report: Click on the list icon to view a complete list of all the URLs used in association with the topic being tracked. Within the report you will see how many tweets included the URL, retweets including the URL, contributors who have used the URL and impressions generated by the URL.
  • Detailed URL Report: Click on any URL for a detailed view of the activity around it. Within the report you will get a graphical view of the impressions generated by the URL, volume of tweets that included the URL and the contributors using it. There is also a metrics bar with averages around the URL and beneath that are the tweets including the URL and the top contributors who have utilized the URL.


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