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Twitter tailored audience export

With our tailored audience export, you can export a list of Twitter usernames or user IDs that you can export directly into the ads manager at ads.twitter.com so you can target a set of specific Twitter accounts with advertising. 

You can access the tailored audience export from the contributors summary report or from the main export page in any Twitter Tracker. Simply select the tailored audience export instead of the analytics export.

Wondering how you might use this export? Your Twitter advertising could be a lot more effective if you're getting your message in front of the right, relevant audience. So consider setting up a Tracker and creating a list of people who use Twitter to talk about: 

  • Your competitors
  • Relevant event or Twitter chat hashtags
  • Industry keywords, articles or URLs
  • Industry leaders and influencers

And if you're curious how they work, there's more about tailored audiences from Twitter here.

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